Downward Dog 30

Dear Kimmy, We did it buddy, we completed the thirty days of yoga with Adriene’s Home practice. There was a little gift at the end, a quote that embraced the process in its entirety. It reminded me of a nugget of truth that I can carry with me and remind me of the process thisContinue reading “Downward Dog 30”

Downward Dog 29

Dear Mama, Happy day 29 of home yoga practice. Listen, I had a lovely sleep on this couch and blanket, but I find myself still exhausted so I must go back to dozing. Perhaps you might do the same? Thanks for including me in the practice. I hear you’re, “intoit.” I love you. Xo, Kimmy

Downward Dog 28

Dear Mama, Greetings, it is I, Kimmy your couch conscience. Haha, just kidding, but I’m slow paw clapping for you as you complete day 28 for this Home Yoga with Adriene practice. I knew you could stick with it because you stick like glue when you want to pursue something. I think the word persevereContinue reading “Downward Dog 28”

Downward Dog Day 25-27

Dear Mama, There is something about holiday and post-holdiays that can be all encompassing, eh? I enjoyed the last day of Hannukah as a family. I’m a helpful dog when it comes to opening packages and lending my paw or nose to support my brothers, whichever works best for the occasion. We worked through Adriene’sContinue reading “Downward Dog Day 25-27”

Downward Dog 24

Dear Mama, I told you it would snow! Those tree squirrels have been warning us all week. They may chastise me, but I listen when they’re talking and gathering around us. The squirrels always seem to have the latest gossip on all subject matter including the weather. Good job teaching day twenty four of yoga.Continue reading “Downward Dog 24”

Downward Dog 23

Dear Kimmy, Hello 🐾 bff. My sleepy dog, you’re always the coziest one of the bunch! We completed day 23 of our home yoga practice today. We worked on the concept of focus. Gosh, that is an elusive topic at times. My focus can become erratic as the day continues to flow. That’s why IContinue reading “Downward Dog 23”

Downward Dog 22

Dear Mama, Zzz, do you know how cold it is? It was 20 degrees F. and windy as all get out! I woke up many times last night to all of the gusts and puffs out our door. You worked on yoga even with many wake-up’s because of the windy weather. A round of apawse…Continue reading “Downward Dog 22”

Downward Dog 21

Dear Mama, Hello! It’s a big day for our family for a few reasons, it’s our Auntie Debbie’s yahrzeit and I sense your sadness, our grandparents anniversary is also today, and we start potty learning with little brother! Whooee. I appreciated that you took time for you and me too this morning. We worked onContinue reading “Downward Dog 21”

Downward Dog 20

Dear Mama, Cheers to finding stillness throughout your yoga practice today. I heard you creaking about and then being still early this morning. Why is it so challenging to find stillness in our lives? I know of two busy bees that keep us in motion over here though, perhaps that’s one fundamental reason for us,Continue reading “Downward Dog 20”

Downward Dog 19

Dear Mama, Happy Paw-nnukah, whoopsies, I meant to say Chag Sameach, Happy Hannukah mama! I loved our candle lighting the last two nights. I appreciate that I even have a doggy safe menorah. Thanks for including me via my Grandma Sara! We worked on yoga this morning, 19 days and counting. I love to supportContinue reading “Downward Dog 19”